- Tracking system for the analysis of single and double body movements
- Ultrasonic probes for measurement of wave height and deck wetness and relative movements between ship and free surface
- Innovative rolling oscillations test stand for determination of forces and moments acting on the ship
- Planar Motion test stand (SUBPMM)
- Wave generator
Dynamics and Acoustics

The SVA Potsdam offers a wide range of services in the area of dynamics of marine systems and ships. The emphasis of our offerings is on the implementation of model experiments and simulations to determine motions and behaviour and the resulting forces and moments.Model tests are carried out with self-propelled models in the towing tank of SVA Potsdam and outdoors. The latest measurement technology allows for predictions of dynamic stability, compliance with criteria (i.e. the IMO MSC.137 (76)), the behaviour of ships in specific manoeuvres, dynamic positioning (capability plots), etc. The generation of waves in the towing tank allows for the study of the behaviour of ships and structures in a seaway. Standard wave conditions, wave packets and user-definable wave conditions can be generated.
For the simulation of manoeuvring or motion behaviour, these software solutions are available: ANSYS CFX, Fluent, UTHLANDE, SeaFEM, etc.